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Version: 3.12.0

Installing ChaosCenter


  • Litmus Chaos requires Kubernetes 1.17 or later.

  • We recommend that you have a persistent volume (PV) of 20GB or more.


This PV is used to store the chaos config and chaos-metrics in the Portal. 20GB is the recommended minimum PV size, but you can start with 1GB for test purposes. By default, Litmus install uses the default storage class to allocate the PV. You must provide this value.

  • All the install variants require Helm.

  • Optionally, you can use kubectl to perform the installation.

Installating ChaosCenter​

Typically, you install Litmus into your own Kubernetes cluster. Alternatively, you can run ChaosCenter from a hosted Litmus service like Harness Chaos Engineering SaaS. See how here.

This page describes how to install Litmus in a Kubernetes cluster. There are two installation methods:


Cluster scope installation is deprecated and is no longer supported. Namespaced mode is the standard installation mode.

Installing with Helm​

The Helm chart installs ChaosCenter and all the required service account configuration.

Use the following steps to install Litmus ChaosCenter via Helm.

  1. Add the Litmus Helm repository.

    helm repo add litmuschaos
    helm repo list
  2. Create the namespace on which you want to install Litmus ChaosCenter.

    ChaosCenter can be placed in any namespace. These instructions use litmus as the namespace.

    kubectl create ns litmus

Local installation​

  1. (Optional – local install only) If your Kubernetes cluster is local (in kind or minikube, for example) and only accessing Litmus locally, replace the default endpoint with your custom CHAOS_CENTER_UI_ENDPOINT and run the Helm chart, as in the following:

    helm install chaos litmuschaos/litmus --namespace=litmus \
    --set portal.frontend.service.type=NodePort \
    --set portal.server.graphqlServer.genericEnv.CHAOS_CENTER_UI_ENDPOINT=http://chaos-litmus-frontend-service.litmus.svc.cluster.local:9091

Then skip to Results.

Remote installation​

  1. (Optional – ARM processors only) The Litmus Helm chart depends on the bitnami/mongodb Helm chart, which uses a MongoDB image not supported on ARM processors.

    To install Litmus on an ARM-based server, note your custom MongoDB ARM image registry and repository information. You will add the following options to the installation command in the next step:

    --set mongodb.image.registry=<put_registry> \
    --set mongodb.image.repository=<put_image_repository> \
    --set mongodb.image.tag=<put_image_tag>
  2. Run the Helm chart.

    If your Kubernetes cluster isn't local, you may not want to expose Litmus via NodePort.

    Decide whether to set NodePort, then run one of the following commands:


If you are installing on an ARM-based server, append the options from the previous step to your chosen helm command, substituting your MongoDB information in the option parameters.

  • To set the NodePort portal, run the Helm chart as follows to set the service:

    helm install chaos litmuschaos/litmus --namespace=litmus --set portal.frontend.service.type=NodePort

    or with a custom MongoDB image for ARM:

    helm install chaos litmuschaos/litmus --namespace=litmus --set portal.frontend.service.type=NodePort
    --set mongodb.image.registry=<put_registry> \
    --set mongodb.image.repository=<put_image_repository> \
    --set mongodb.image.tag=<put_image_tag>
  • To run Litmus remotely without NodePort, omit the --set option as follows:

    helm install chaos litmuschaos/litmus --namespace=litmus

    or with a custom MongoDB image for ARM:

    helm install chaos litmuschaos/litmus --namespace=litmus
    --set mongodb.image.registry=<put_registry> \
    --set mongodb.image.repository=<put_image_repository> \
    --set mongodb.image.tag=<put_image_tag>


The installation output should look something like the following:

NAME: chaos
LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Jun 15 19:20:09 2021
STATUS: deployed
Thank you for installing litmus 😀

Your release is named chaos and its installed to namespace: litmus.

See for more information.

Litmus uses Kubernetes custom resource definitions (CRDs) to define chaos intent. Helm3 handles CRDs better than Helm2. We strongly recommend that you verify the installation before running a chaos experiment.

Skip the following kubectl installation instructions and continue with Verifying your installation.

Installing with kubectl​

To install using kubctl, use Helm to install MongoDB first, then apply the installation manifest. The manifest can be found here.

  1. Add the MongoDB manifest.

    helm repo add bitnami

    Mongo Values

    enabled: true
    rootPassword: "1234"
    # -- existingSecret Existing secret with MongoDB(&reg;) credentials (keys: `mongodb-passwords`, `mongodb-root-password`, `mongodb-metrics-password`, ` mongodb-replica-set-key`)
    existingSecret: ""
    architecture: replicaset
    replicaCount: 3
    enabled: true
    enabled: true
    enabled: false
    enabled: false

    # bitnami/mongodb is not yet supported on ARM.
    # Using unofficial tools to build bitnami/mongodb (arm64 support)
    # more info:
    # registry:
    # repository: bitnami-compat/mongodb
    # tag: 6.0.5
  2. Run the Helm chart.

    helm install my-release bitnami/mongodb --values mongo-values.yml -n <NAMESPACE> --create-namespace

    Litmus supports HTTP and HTTPS modes of installation.

    Follow the instructions in the next step to choose a basic or advanced installation and complete the installation.

  3. Use the Basic (HTTP, all-origin) or Advanced (HTTP, resource sharing) installation instructions to finish the installation.

    - Basic installation

    A basic installation is HTTP-based and allows all origins.

    Apply the manifest file as follows to install the required service account configuration and ChaosCenter in namespaced scope.

    kubectl apply -f -n <NAMESPACE>

    Skip to Verifying your installation.

    - Advanced installation

    An advanced installation is HTTPS-based and adheres to cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) rules. Follow these steps:

    1. Provide TLS certificates.

      Provide your own certificates or generate them using this bash script.

    2. Create a secret.

      kubectl create secret generic tls-secret --from-file=ca.crt=ca.crt --from-file=tls.crt=tls.crt --from-file=tls.key=tls.key -n <NAMESPACE>
    3. Apply the manifest file to install the required service account configuration and ChaosCenter in namespaced scope:

      kubectl apply -f -n <NAMESPACE>

      Proceed to Verifying your installation.

Verifying your installation​

Verify that the frontend, server, and database pods are running.

  1. Check the pods in the namespace where you installed Litmus.

    kubectl get pods -n litmus

    The pods output should look like the following.

    NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    litmusportal-server-6fd57cc89-6w5pn 1/1 Running 0 57s
    litmusportal-auth-server-7b596fff9-5s6g5 1/1 Running 0 57s
    litmusportal-frontend-55974fcf59-cxxrf 1/1 Running 0 58s
    my-release-mongodb-0 1/1 Running 0 63s
    my-release-mongodb-1 1/1 Running 0 63s
    my-release-mongodb-2 1/1 Running 0 62s
    my-release-mongodb-arbiter-0 1/1 Running 0 64s
  2. Check the services running in the namespace where you installed Litmus.

    kubectl get svc -n litmus

    The services output should look like the following:

    NAME                                  TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)                         AGE
    chaos-exporter ClusterIP <none> 8080/TCP 23h
    litmusportal-auth-server-service NodePort <none> 9003:32368/TCP,3030:31051/TCP 23h
    litmusportal-frontend-service NodePort <none> 9091:30070/TCP 23h
    litmusportal-server-service NodePort <none> 9002:32455/TCP,8000:30722/TCP 23h
    my-release-mongodb-arbiter-headless ClusterIP None <none> 27017/TCP 23h
    my-release-mongodb-headless ClusterIP None <none> 27017/TCP 23h
    workflow-controller-metrics ClusterIP <none> 9090/TCP 23h

Accessing ChaosCenter​

To set up and log in to ChaosCenter, expand the available services just created and copy the PORT of the litmusportal-frontend-service service as shown in the following steps.

  1. View the services.

    kubectl get svc -n litmus

    The services output should look like the following:

    NAME                               TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                         AGE
    litmusportal-frontend-service NodePort <none> 9091:31846/TCP 102s
    litmusportal-server-service NodePort <none> 9002:31245/TCP,8000:32714/TCP 101s
    litmusportal-auth-server-service NodePort <none> 9003:32618/TCP,3030:31899/TCP 101s
    mongo-service ClusterIP <none> 27017/TCP 101s
    mongo-headless-service ClusterIP None <none> 27017/TCP 101s
  2. Copy the PORT from the litmusportal-frontend-service.


    In this example, the PORT for litmusportal-frontend-service is 31846. Yours will be different.

  3. (Optional) If you installed ChaosCenter on a remote cluster without NodePort forwarding, set port forwarding on your local node:

    port-forward svc/chaos-litmus-frontend-service 31846:31846
  4. Access the UI.

    Enter your IP and PORT in this format to access the Litmus ChaosCenter: <NODEIP>:<PORT>.

    For example:

    where is the NodeIP and 31846 is the frontend service PORT.

    If you use a load balancer, provide an IP for the load balancer instead: <LoadBalancerIP>:<PORT>. (Learn how to access ChaosCenter with LoadBalancer).

    If you set port forwarding as shown in the previous step, use the local host IP:

    When advanced installation CORS rules are applied, the frontend loadbalancer IP needs to be added in the ALLOWED_ORIGINS environment in both auth and graphql server deployment.

  5. Log in.

    You should see the Login Page of Litmus ChaosCenter. The default credentials are

    Username: admin
    Password: litmus

By default you are assigned a default project with Owner permissions.

Learn more​